Not there are many elements that are needed to perform good work polishing, waxing and polishing vehicles, requires ex officio, learn the secrets to having a final product finishing and a promotion or marketing that has as a result a good reputation as a shoeshine cars among vehicle owners. To keep the good appearance and State of an automobile, not enough to perform services of washing, although the greater frequency with which are made, lower the possibility that impurities are set in the sheet metal of the vehicle; Some recommend grinding, polishing and waxing the cars at a frequency of three or four times a year to obtain very good results and extend the service life of the bodywork and automotive losvidrios. When customers decide to hire a service of polishing for cars, it is not them so easy to find workshops or hand of works specialized in the realization of this work; therefore who is Kaffe in techniques for polishing, waxing, polishing and Polish bodywork and glasses of automobiles, will ensure greater opportunities to attract those customers and therefore have an attimino profitable and constant demand, given the number of vehicles of all types that comprise the vehicle fleet in the cities and towns. Some used machines for polishing vehicles, others are pulidomanera fully manual or craft work, what the car owners are looking for is an excellent final result as regards painting, polishing, polished crystals, polishing the chrome and if necessary the application of a protective coat of paint, usually of teflon. These services are charged very well and not labour-intensive or a great capital needed to assemble the workshop.