For Freud Contratransferncia it consisted of the feelings that appear in unconscious of the therapist as the influence in it of the unconscious feelings of the patient, it detached how much it was essential that the analyst ' ' it recognized this contratransference in proper itself, as well as the necessity of super-la' '. (ZIMERMAN, 1999). Ahead of its uncontrolled feelings and involved ethical questions professionally, Paul communicated that they would go to interrupt the sessions gradual and this made with that it, exactly disagreeing with the interruption, he came back one more time toward the arms of Andrew, it is referencial of security and stability for its anxiety. Laura tries of all the forms that its therapist confesses that she is gotten passionate by it, therefore has certainty of the feelings of it for it. Ahead of the interruption of the sessions, Paul obtained to confess its love the Laura although not to want to settle with it soon at the beginning and to continue analyzing the situations. The fact of Paul to find that David destroyed its capacity of communication with the men was one of the reasons that it prevented the physical contact immediately.
In the end when looked it to talk on the relation between them, assuming she loved that it, it tried to take it for bed and it she did not obtain to touch it for knowing that unconsciously she would not give certain this relation. Although some errors committed for Paul according to ethical professional of psychology because of the sentimental envolvement, the therapy of Laura was a success, Paul obtained that it recognized that used the sex to become free itself of emotional complications, and it said that it did not want more to it to make this, giving the rejection in it. Zimerman REFERENCES, D.E. Psicanalticos Beddings, Theory, technique and clinic, Artmed, Porto Alegre, 1999 Freud, Studies on the Histeria (1893-1895) volume II, Imago, Rio De Janeiro, 2006. Bergeret, J. Psicopatologia Theory and Clinic, 9.
Edition, Artmed, 2006 ANDRES, J. ' ' Laura or the sexual confines of necessidade' '. Studies of Psychoanalysis? Salvador? n. 31? p. 64 - 75? October. 2008 GUIMARES, R.M.; BLESSED, V.E.S. ' ' The method of ' ' study of caso' ' in psychoanalysis. PSICO v. 39, N. 1, pp. 91-99, jan. to /mar. 2008 GILIO, C. et. all. The different manejos of the transference. Institute of Psychoanalysis Lacaniana I-PLA,
In the end when looked it to talk on the relation between them, assuming she loved that it, it tried to take it for bed and it she did not obtain to touch it for knowing that unconsciously she would not give certain this relation. Although some errors committed for Paul according to ethical professional of psychology because of the sentimental envolvement, the therapy of Laura was a success, Paul obtained that it recognized that used the sex to become free itself of emotional complications, and it said that it did not want more to it to make this, giving the rejection in it. Zimerman REFERENCES, D.E. Psicanalticos Beddings, Theory, technique and clinic, Artmed, Porto Alegre, 1999 Freud, Studies on the Histeria (1893-1895) volume II, Imago, Rio De Janeiro, 2006. Bergeret, J. Psicopatologia Theory and Clinic, 9.
Edition, Artmed, 2006 ANDRES, J. ' ' Laura or the sexual confines of necessidade' '. Studies of Psychoanalysis? Salvador? n. 31? p. 64 - 75? October. 2008 GUIMARES, R.M.; BLESSED, V.E.S. ' ' The method of ' ' study of caso' ' in psychoanalysis. PSICO v. 39, N. 1, pp. 91-99, jan. to /mar. 2008 GILIO, C. et. all. The different manejos of the transference. Institute of Psychoanalysis Lacaniana I-PLA,