
What Is A Timeout ? Today we will talk about this method of positive parenting as a timeout. God made children so young, so that when they go out of control, we could take them up and give them a timeout. Often, the child behaves bad simply because he forgot that his parents - the main and it suits him. And, if the child does not get what he needs to feel like work, he eventually loses contact with her parents and goes out of control. Children need guidance. Time-outs are needed in order to regain control when emotions become too strong. Even many adults do not know how to manage their emotions in stressful situations. Especially can not wait for this to children. If a parent feels anger, anxiety, depression, apathy, censure, embarrassment or guilt, then he should look inside yourself and overcome negative emotions. The difference between adult and child that an adult is able to understand himself, when he needs a timeout, and the child - no. If an early age to teach a child to the time outs, starting with nine or ten years, he himself will take time-outs whenever feel the inner tension and the spirit of contradiction. It's easy, but there needs practice. Giving the child a timeout, an adult acquires control not only over the child, but also on themselves. The kid stops resisting when he able to feel and release the three underlying negative emotions - anger, sadness and fear. Adults also can get rid of negative blocks resentment, guilt and self-pity - for that he needs to take time out to review, feel and release the negative emotions.
The Contract It can understand that this reason of State was an impediment for the development of the art of the government that lasted until the beginning of century XVIII. This crystallization had it a series of great crises of century XVII, moments of military urgencies, economic politics and that disabled the art to govern of if expanding. The institucional and mental structure of century XVII also contributed for this blockade. With the priority of the problem of the sovereignty and its institutions and while the exercise of the power was thought as exercise of the sovereignty, ' ' the art of the government could not develop in specific way and autnomo' ' (P. 286). It had, in the century XVII, an attempt to compose the art of government with the theory of the sovereignty. It was through this attempt that if formulated the theory of the contract: ' ' the theory of the founding contract? the reciprocal commitment between sovereign and subjects? if it will become a theoretical matrix from that it will be looked to formulate the general principles of an art of governo' ' (P. 286). The raising of the blockade of the art to govern, therefore the end of the crystallization that we are commenting, if gave for some factors of expansion (demographic, monetary, agricultural), but, over all, strict it is tied with ' ' emergency of the problem of populao' ' (P. 288). With this new problem rank, the notion of economy not tied strict with the family can be rethink more. The family would be now in the interior of population and would be its basic instrument. However the population has proper characteristics and produces specific, independent economic effect of the ones of the family. The family, then, passes of economic model of the art to...